Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This deserves its own post

Taiwan farts don't stink.

Yeah, I said it, and I think I would know by now. Ladies and gentleman of the jury...

Exhibit A:
I lived with Dave for a month in a room small enough for one small squeak to smoke the place out, but nothing. I slept in the same bed with him for a month. Not a single Dutch Oven. (Cold stare into the eyes of the jurors.)

Exhibit B:
I've been living with Mike for 2 months now and I'm not embarrassed to admit that we are not gas deficient. Odor, on the other hand, is definitely in short supply.

(Refill glass of water, only to pour it right down the hatch.) No further witnesses.

I don't know what to attribute this great phenomenon to, but I do know that it scares me. I will begin collecting evidence to figure out this mystery.


Brendan said...

Perhaps you are accustomed to breathing in methane since being there

Fleck0411 said...

maybe its the food you eat. or lack of "western" food.

Unknown said...

haha to karen's comment.
I hope you find something you like at her wedding you weirdo.