Saturday, July 17, 2010

When it rains

With just about two weeks to go until I come home, the seams of my life are starting to show signs of wear and tear.

Last weekend, my new(ish) camera, that had been battle-tested according to the previous post, didn't survive a beach music festival. The "waterproof" tag on my camera holds true only in the sense that there is proof that it's been in the water.
Proof in the form of water in the LCD screen and the lens.

I woke up especially tired three days later and decided that I would walk to school instead of take my scooter to wake my mind up. I came home to find that the sidewalk where I have been parking my scooter for months completely empty. Apparently it's a no-parking zone, and occasionally the police come and enforce the law by hauling away and impounding all the scooters in violation.

As I type, I'm nursing flu-like symptoms, marking what I'm pretty sure *sniff* is the first time I've actually been legitimately sick in Taiwan.

On the plus side, my camera is under warranty, so hopefully that works itself out. On the minus side, my scooter is not registered and I didn't even know the last three digits of my license plate number until I found it written in chalk on the sidewalk. I'm going to feel pretty silly trying to claim ownership of a vehicle that I don't technically own.

Well, anyway, I'm comin' home!


Mommy Dearest said...

poor Johnny. I will take good care of you when you get home...

Who owns the scooter?? Will you get it back????

Live and learn....

Feel better!!!! Stone Harbor is closer than you think....

Unknown said...

yayyyyyyyyyyyy (to the coming home part... obvi)