Monday, May 3, 2010

A Quick Update

Well, if you're like me, you're probably thinking "Where did April go?" Chalk another month up for the "now I understand how people spend 5 years here" realization.

As with previous months that went missing, it's because nothing really eventful has happened. But I'll do my best to fill you in:

To start, I've recently just put in my 3 months notice at my current job. Before you get all "Johnny's coming home!" let it be known that I plan on doing (at least) another year before I'm ready to come home for good.

Along that same line, since I'm leaving my school pretty soon, I felt it necessary to take the vacation that I've earned after putting in a year of service. I have 3 weeks (end of May/beginning of June) of glorious vacation coming up. As of now, I'm planning on doing a solo road trip around (literally, all the way around) Taiwan. I've scoped out some spots to stop and it looks like it's going to be great. I'll be sure to avoid this highway that's a mere 5 miles from my apartment.

I've joined a Muay Thai (boxing) club quite recently (I have my 3rd class tomorrow). So far it's great, and I look forward to kicking some ass when I come home.

Oh yeah...I had my first visitor!!!! He goes by the name Flat Stanley and he came via envelope from a 2nd grader in Port Jefferson. If you can't read the subtext, I'm actually asking when you all are going to come and visit(???).

Although I'm far from what I'd even consider "conversational" in terms of Chinese speaking ability, I'm happy with how far I've come. I frequently get complimented on my tones, and I understand a lot of the grammar. I can speak to cab drivers and people at restaurants slightly beyond the necessary information.

My Squirrel class is graduating kindergarten this summer, and for our graduation show, I adapted the story of Robin Hood to fit my class, and we are well into production. I'll be sure to get access to videos of that once it comes around.

Well, world, that's about it from my side. What's new with you?


mom said...

Thanks for the update - and maybe I can try to some $$$ for me!!!!

KBiz said...

Christmas in Taiwan???