Thursday, February 12, 2009

Top 10

It's now 28 days away from takeoff. Just thought I'd share with you the Top 10 (in no particular order) reasons why I'm going to Taiwan:

1. Why not travel now while I still can? I don't want to be one of those "I wish I traveled..." people. Seize the day.

2. I love Chinese food. I know that there is a lot of American food over there (i.e. McDonalds), but I can't see myself passing up Chinese. I can't wait to start cooking it myself!

3. "On average Taipei, Taiwan is warmer than Port Jefferson, NY by 15°F," the weather. The effects of "Global Warming" aren't hitting New York fast enough for me. This was one of the coldest and snowiest winters ever, and everyone knows how much I LOVE cold and snow.

4. There are jobs in Taiwan. Sure, there are teaching jobs here, but I didn't go to school for that.

5. Asians don't hate Americans as much as the rest of the world does. I'm not sure why that is, but I hope perpetuate that idea.

6. I am a thrill seeker. Between buying a 1-way plane ticket to another hemisphere and the feeling I'm going to get stepping off the plane in Taipei (or Tokyo for that matter), that's my kind of adrenaline rush.

7. When I come home, I'd like to be able to order Chinese in Chinese. I think it would be a neat party trick, plus they'll never mess up my order.

8. Coming back to the States with foreign language and teaching experience gives me a leg up in the job market. Take that recent college grads!

9. I don't feel I can fully know myself until I leave my comfort zone. I'm preparing for what I think and hope will be a life-altering adventure and an inspirational soul search.

10. I've always liked teaching/coaching. Helping other people achieve is a satisfying feeling, and teaching a language is a really easy way to see results.

Other things: I have a Skype account and webcam now. Everyone should sign up for Skype so we can talk for free!

coming soon... Top 10 things I will miss!


David Grow said...
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David Grow said...

you forgot the one about living with Dave Grow for at least a year...

Fleck0411 said...

According to Chris--- Chinese food out there is NOTHING like any Chinese food you have ever eaten. Completely gross. and like dead ducks in the windows. puke. and the Mcdonalds is nothing like American McDonalds. hahah so cross those off your lists!! But the other types of restaurants are normal (hard rock cafe, and those type of restaurants..)

Fleck0411 said...

that sounds way negative.... hahah but i've heard that all the OTHER food is amazing (just the chinese food is like nothing you would ever expect!!)

Daniel Roth said...

You will have to put in the orders for Chinese when you get back, especially considering what happened last time we ordered.

Johnny said...

haha yeah I'm sure I'll be eating a lot of beef-flavored shrimp. I'll make the call next time.