Friday, May 29, 2009

Word of the Day

As of last week, I introduced a "Word of the Day" to my students. My goal is for it to act as something extra for them. They love learning the curriculum material, but as with anyone, they love anything outside the text that I can give them. Teaching outside the box not only provides them with extra information, but it also stimulates their interest and makes them more inclined to focus.

Please help me think of some good words! The criteria is pretty straightforward: something that they will be able to use everyday in a normal conversation. The ones we've had so far I have been able to pepper into lessons many times a day. Here is what we've done so far:
  • amazing
  • terrible
  • spotless
  • filthy
They use all of these words all the time already. For next week I have "obnoxious" planned. Obviously, so far I've only used adjectives, as they are the easiest to use and provide relevant context, but I'm not limiting myself to that. Anyway, suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'll let you know how they turn out. Thanks!


aunt Marianne said...

My favaorite all-purpose American English word is "duh", as in "how obvious", but your students may be a little young to appreciate it.

Brendan said...

I could go with an obvious choice of "awesome" but i'm going to choose "stellar" instead.
Other words i've heard today that would make me happy to hear you teach...
"radical" (as in, "radical wave dude!")

Unknown said...

I like Brendan's words... I bet the little Taiwanese kindergartners would use all those words quite frequently!
Do they know what "weird" is yet?

Abby said...

Mr Bird is working on the t-shirts as we speak. It is taking a little longer than you would expect, what with his lack of opposable thumbs.

I expect he will instruct the serenading popcorn to handmake them all from scratch.

Mr Bird appreciates the support, he also appreciates bird food, but that's a whole other matter.


Fleck0411 said...
