Friday, March 19, 2010

Dreams Do Come True

Two days after my year anniversary in Taiwan, I finally found Dr. Pepper.

On no particular Monday, when casually asked if I wanted a drink from the store, I responded in a typically sarcastic way by saying, "Yeah, I'll take a Dr. Pepper," both parties knowing full well that Dr. Pepper doesn't exist in Taiwan.

This time, the right person over-heard and piped up that there was a store in Taipei that consistently supplied DP.

The only bad news was that it was around 1:00 in the afternoon, and I still had another 6 hours of teaching to go, but the thought of a nice cold DP helped me power through my 10 hour Monday.

As soon as I finished teaching, I headed down to XXXXXXXXXXXX* and sure enough found a stock of about 20 warm Dr. Pepper cans (imported from Japan). Resisting the pent up urge to chug one on the spot, I kept calm and only bought 6 to take home and refrigerate. No point in waiting all that time to drink a warm DP... yuck.

My first sip was as euphoric as I thought it would be, and now that I know XXXXXXXXXX* has DP on the regular, I can't think of anything that specific that Taiwan doesn't have.

Dr. Pepper, you really do make the world taste better.

*The location of this supplier remains undisclosed, mostly because I'm a selfish.


Unknown said...

I don't blame you for not disclosing the name of the store. The laws of supply and demand don't exist here in Taiwan. You have to wait literally for months to get any rare item like that once it is out of stock. And of course, as soon as you disclose something like that, all the foreigners you can even imagine would snap the limited items up like hotcakes!

Andre said...

i saw dr pepper and a&w root beer at hola today

Johnny said...

where is this Hola place?